Course Content

This is Lead The Way's three day level 3 advanced visiting/therapy/school dog praparation course. The theory components are completed fully online. *Please note this course does not certify your dog to be a visiting / therapy / school dog.*

  • The Power of Oxytocin

  • Neurobiological Model

  • Off Lead Canine Training

  • Assisiting Your Dog To Listen Whilst In Drive

  • Trick Training

  • Agility

Advanced Visiting Dog Preparation Course (level 3)

The advanced visiting/therapy/school dog preparation course is suitable to begin once your dog has visiting dog certification with Lead The Way and has been actively working as a visiting dog for at least three months. This course is designed to give you a specific intervention model and to increase your dogs ability to listen and respond reliably under a range of higher level distractions off lead. Online theory will need to be completed prior to the three practical days. The practical days will be completed live online or in person with Lead The Way training instructors. Each practical day will be spaced approximately one month apart. By the end of the FULL three day advanced visiting dog course you can start preparing your dog to be ready for the level 4 course and advanced certification assessment*. *Candidates will need to attend the level 4 course and certification assessment in person (Melbourne, Victoria).

Advanced Visiting Dog Preparation Course

Three Practical Days and Relevant Online Theory

Pre-requisite: - Visit Lead The Ways website ( to: 

1/ Read the terms and conditions for this course. 

2/ Ensure your dog meets the suitability requirements for visiting dog temperament.

3/ Your dog has been actively working as a visiting dog (level 2) for a minimum of three months.

Get Started Today!

Advanced Visiting Dog Preparation Course - (Level 3)

  • $1,200.00

    Price: $380 AUD (per day) - $1140 total
