Course Content

This is Level 2 of Lead The Way's visiting dog course. The course comprises of online theory and 2 practicum days. *Please note this course does not certify your dog to be a visiting / therapy / school dog.* To acheive visiting dog certification a final two day assessment must be successfully passed.

  • Visiting Dog Foundational Interventions

  • Intervention Assessment Tool / Programme Evaluation

  • Canine Reinforcement - building value for social rewards

  • Canine Reliablity & Communication

  • Applied Welfare & Ethics

Foundational Visiting Dog Course - Level 2

The Level 2 visiting dog course is suitable to begin once your puppy has reached 9 months of age and they have been a learner visiting dog for three months. This course is designed to increase your understanding of applying animal assisted interventions and to increase your dogs ability to listen and respond reliably under a range of higher level distractions. Online theory will need to be completed prior to the practical days. By the end of the FULL two day foundational visiting dog course you can consolidate your dogs learning and then book yourself and your dog into the certification assessment*. *Candidates will need to attend the certification assessment in person (Melbourne, Victoria) for visiting dog assessment.

Foundational Visiting Dog Course

Level Two

Pre-requisite: - Visit Lead The Ways website ( to: 

1/ Read the terms and conditions for this course. 

2/ Ensure your dog meets the suitability requirements for visiting dog temperament.

3/ Your dog has been a learner visiting dog for three months having workplace socialisation.

Get Started Today!

Please refer to your learner dog completion email for the link to purchase Level 2 - Day One

  • $400.00

    Price: $760 AUD (Level 2 - Day One & Two) - purchased separately
